June 30, 2020

是擁抱多元的表現,還是過於政治正確? Calvin Klein 邀請 LGBTQIA+ 人士出演廣告意外惹爭議

Black Lives Matter 運動風潮下,不少品牌在進行營銷時都步步為營,深怕一不小心就會被狙擊政治不正確或牽涉到種族歧視議題等,Johnson & Johnson 停售旗下美白去斑產品、 L’Oreal 刪走「美白」、「公平」等字眼就是其中的例子。而最近 Calvin Klein 邀請了 9 位 LGBTQIA+ 人士拍攝「#PROUDINMYCALVINS」 Pride Month 宣傳片,旨在表現出擁抱多元性向與對 LGBTQ 族群的重視,但竟意外地引起了爭議?

事源 Calvin Klein 早在 Black Lives Matter 運動發生前,就已請到了 9 位 LGBTQIA+ 人士拍攝廣告大片,並先行在 5 月 15 日前於官方 YouTube 發布了首支由黑人變性人 Jari Jones 作主角的「#PROUDINMYCALVINS」影片,主要講述她作為變性人的身份,是如何幫助來到紐約的變性兒童展開及適應他們的新生活。

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There are moments that I heard about, that help you forget when the world told you “Never” !!! . . There are these moments I heard about about that help you heal when the society has tried to beat you down , over and over again. . . There are these very real moments that I heard about that help you feel affirmed even when you don’t see yourself. . . I’ve been searching my whole life for those moments, I got tired of looking for those moments. . . So I decided to create them. Not for me but for the next dreamer, outcast, queer, trans, disabled, fat, beautiful black, piece of starlight waiting for their moment to shine. . . It has been such an honor and pleasure to sit in my most authentic self and present imagery of a body that far to often has been demonized, harassed , made to feel ugly and unworthy and even killed. . . I present this image ,myself and all that my body stands for to my community and chosen family, in hope that they see themselves more clearly than ever and further realize that they are worthy of celebration , of compassion , of love and gratitude. . . – Thank you to @ryanmcginleystudios and the @calvinklein family for a collaboration that will hopefully be a symbol of hope and love during these moments. BLACK TRANS LIVES MATTER!! . . . . #calvinklein #blacklivesmatter #blacktranslivesmatter #transisbeautiful #queer #celebratemysize #actress #honormycurves #pride🌈 #bodydiversity #soho #effyourbeautystandards #curvygirl #curvemodel #influencer #billboard #plussize #plusmodel #influencer #plussizemodel #bodypositive #swimwear #campaign #newyork #melanin #model #ad #sponsored

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沒想到其後竟引發一連串的風波,在 6 月中旬,亦即是發生了「弗洛伊德」的事件後,紐約街頭掛上了一幅 Jari Jones 擔當主角的巨型海報,而她本人更與海報合照並上載到 Twitter ,兼標籤上「#BlackTransLivesMatter」,迅速引起了熱議。有部分人就對 Calvin Klein 此舉抱持著支持的看法,但亦有很多人則直接表示反感,覺得這個廣告毫無美感可言,認為品牌起用 Jari Jones 是過分政治正確。一個名為「OhBondageUpYours」的用戶發文稱:「這與包容剛剛相反,選擇這個模特是因為你們可以一次性勾選許多正確答案(Jari Jones 的黑人、變性、大碼模特身份),所以你們認為這樣就能一次過顧及所有的事情,這一切只是為了營銷而非出於包容」。

禍不單行,有中國媒體轉發這則新聞時,將內容誤傳成 Calvin Klein 簽下 Jari Jones 等 9 位 LGBTQIA+ 模特兒(事實上只是為「#PROUDINMYCALVINS」企劃拍攝而已),加上對於過度維持政治正確形象的質疑,令事件更為發酵。雖然爾後這個消息得到澄清,而且更進一步表明了廣告是在 Black Lives Matter 運動前拍攝,目的只是為了響應 Pride Month ,為 LGBTQIA+ 族群發聲,但仍是有大部分人不買單。

Calvin Klein 更表達了強硬立場,指出將會把所有具仇恨和攻擊性的言論刪除,並屏蔽相關帳號。其實回溯品牌過往的歷史,所起用的模特大多都是按照主流審美觀所挑選,例如是 Kendall Jenner 、 Hailey Bieber 等等,就只是偶爾會像這次一樣起用少數族群人物作模特,而那麼剛好這次在如此敏感的時間點上發表了此廣告,又剛好 Jari Jones 又包攬了多重身分,才發引發出種種爭議。不過無論如何,品牌為 LGBTQIA+ 發聲的初衷還是值得欣賞的。

圖片及影片來源: @calvinklein , @iamjarijones , Calvin Klein YouTube , Pinterest

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