May 20, 2024


From the streets to the world of fashion, then into the realm of jewelry, Pharrell Williams has transformed from a superstar with fame and fortune to a fashion director, designing the first collaborative series Tiffany Titan by Pharrell Williams for Tiffany & Co., perfectly showcasing the beauty of blackness.

February 9, 2024

This Nobody is SomeBody

It is said that the world’s population exceeds 8 billion, and each person initially comes alone, existing independently. In this life, you will meet people with different purposes, but there are countless people passing by each other. Only when they intersect at a certain point in time will they create their fate, transforming from Nobody […]

May 15, 2023

Hillary Lau 劉沛蘅 / The Other Side

Compared to more than 10 years ago when she entered the industry, Hillary Liu Peiheng is still the girl with a full sweetness, who loves to smile and spread positive energy to those around her. But in her eyes, her own sweetness is just one aspect of her defined image, and she believes that perseverance is the best adjective.

January 20, 2023

Gladys Li 李靖筠 / True Colors

In today's generation, most people live in both the real world and the virtual world. Do you have a filter through which you see the world? In this issue, ZEditoral features Gladys Li as the guest model, sharing the concept of her new song "00000," which is a satire on the electronic age.

September 30, 2022

An Enchanted Moment

Every color has its unique language. Natural gemstones emit colorful and gorgeous colors, revealing a charming charm between light and shadow, adding a dazzling color to your own moment.

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