November 6, 2020

Black Friday、雙 11 買到失心瘋? The Ordinary 簡單一招,提醒大家「理性消費」!

每年年尾,大家的購買慾就會因為 Black Friday、雙 11 及百貨公司的節日減價而變得高漲,而今年為了刺激消費,品牌提供的優惠就更加吸引,直接現金折扣、買 1 送 10 等不同形式的特惠方案讓大家買得更兇、更瘋狂。不過,根據過往經驗,愈大的優惠換來的是愈大的後悔,往往都恨自己一時衝動買得太多、太浪費。

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

Bye-bye Black Friday. Hello KNOWvember. Last November, we asked you to shop slowly. 🐢 We said that skincare purchases should be based on education, not impulse because we value conscious consumption. For us, Black Friday no longer felt like a people or planet-friendly event, and so we closed our stores and website for a moment of nothingness. We did, however, still want to bring you a saving. And so, we did something we had never done before by offering 23% off every product for the entire month. Starting today, that 23% saving is back, but with a commitment to share daily educational content for the entire month, which we have named KNOWvember—a mindful month of education, research, reflection, and consideration. 🔬🤔 For a preview of what to expect this month, please visit the link in our bio or DECIEM.com/Knowvember 📚 Hyper-consumerism remains one of the biggest threats to the planet, and we know that an urgent change in how humans produce and consume products is required. The UN communicated that “according to latest projections, the global population could grow to around 8.5 billion in 2030, 9.7 billion in 2050. The equivalent of almost three planets could be required to provide the natural resources needed to sustain current lifestyles.” (UN.org). On November 27th—formerly known as Black Friday—we will be pressing pause. Our stores and website will be closed, once again, for a moment of nothingness. We hope KNOWvember and our month-long discount will empower you with the resources required to buy less, but better. Enjoy, and please remember to shop slowly 🙂

The Ordinary, NIOD, & more.(@deciem)分享的貼文 於 張貼

不想再一時衝動,入手不必要的產品?美妝品牌 The Ordinary 的總公司 DECIEM 最近就提倡「理性消費」概念,提供更長的購物優惠期,讓大家有更多時間認清個人需要及產品特色,以理性凌駕衝動,做個精明的消費者!

在這個購物慾全年最高的 11 月,The Ordinary 及 DECIEM 推行了一個以 “Please Shop Slowly” 及 “KNOWvember” 為主題的企劃,顧明思義就是要大家理性消費。而為了讓大家有更多消費冷靜期,品牌就再度推出為期整整 1 個月的全球性、全線品牌 77 折的優惠。此外,更會加強消費者對產品的了解及認知,了解清楚才下單入手,作出理性消費的決定。

即日起至 11 月 30 日,長達整整一個月的折扣優惠,讓你慢慢了解、慢慢思考、慢慢享受,在理性中體驗真正的購物樂趣!

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