July 24, 2020

保養品也可 Mix & Match!The Ordinary 帶來最令人意想不到的「護膚粉」

加拿大小眾護膚品牌 The Ordinary 在大家心目中向來都是高 CP 值之選,親民的價錢,卻擁有顯著的效果,讓人可以無痛入手!最近 The Ordinary 更有一位全新成員加入,不過今次不是推精華、面霜,而是令人意想不到的「護膚粉」!

The Ordinary 向來也直接地以主要成份及其濃度來為每款產品命名,而這款全名為「100% 煙酰胺護膚粉」(100% Niacinamide Powder)的新品,當中的「煙酰胺」又是甚麼成份?換個簡單的別名來說,它其實就是「維生素 B3」,有助針對皮膚油脂分泌,毛孔粗大和粗糙紋理等肌膚問題,看來是油性肌的恩物!

其實品牌之前也有一款同樣以煙酰胺為主打的 10% 煙酰胺鋅面部精華(Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%),而今次新推的護膚粉明顯地把這個成份提高,更換上了粉末的形式,就是為了讓大家可以按自己的肌膚需要 DIY,把護膚粉混合其他水基產品一同使用,例如精華、面霜,一次過解決多種肌膚問題。

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The Ordinary’s Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% has always been one of our most well-loved products (so much so that we recently launched it in a cuddlier, larger 60ml format for die-hard fans of the formula). ⁣🧪 ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Niacinamide, also known as Vitamin B3, is a high-strength vitamin and mineral formula that helps to support barrier function, while reducing the appearance of visible shine and signs of congestion. This ingredient has also been shown to have a brightening effect on the skin, making it a truly multifunctional ingredient that can be easily incorporated into any routine. We have included Niacinamide at a high 10% concentration within this formula. ⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Additionally, this formula includes a 1% concentration of Zinc PCA, which works to support the skin's function as a protective barrier. ⁣☂️⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ Niacinamide can be applied in the AM and PM alongside other water-based serums, before oils and creams. We do not recommend applying Niacinamide in the same routine as pure Vitamin C as Niacinamide has the capacity to affect the integrity of Vitamin C, potentially reducing its efficacy. If you’d like to incorporate Niacinamide and Vitamin C into your routine, we would suggest applying them at separate times. ⁣☀️🌙⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ (30ml: CA$5.90/US$5.90/AU$9.90/£5.00/€5.90, 60ml: CA$10.60/US$10.60/AU$17.80/£8.90/€10.60).

A post shared by The Ordinary, NIOD, & more. (@deciem) on

這款護膚粉可配搭「透明質酸 2% + 維生素 B5 精華」、「天然保濕因子 + 透明質酸精華」等 The Ordinary 產品,不過在 DIY 的時候也有需要注意的地方,要避免與一些跟煙酰胺有衝突的成份混合,例如「維生素C」。想知道更多的配搭建議,不妨到官網參考一下。

圖片來源:The Ordinary

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